Strongest Encryption

We use AES-256 cipher with SHA512 auth and a 4096-bit RSA key

What is it?

In our desktop applications we use AES-256 cipher with SHA512 auth and a 4096-bit RSA key. We also support perfect forward secrecy.

In our browser extensions we use TLS 1.2, ECDHE_RSA with P-256 key exchange and AES_128_GCM cipher.

Why should I care?

The stronger the encryption, the lesser the chance of it being broken.

Why use Windscribe?

Прекратите отслеживание вашей деятелности в интернете и пользуйтесь интернетом конфиденциально

Governments block content based on your location. Corporations track and sell your personal data. Get Windscribe and take back control of your privacy.

Унесите историю Интернет Серфинга с собой в могилу

Protect your browsing history from your network administrator, ISP, or your mom. We don't keep any logs, so your private data stays with you.

Разблокируйте гео-ограниченный контент

Windscribe masks your IP address. This gives you unrestricted and private access to entertainment, news sites, and blocked content in over 50 different countries

Остановите утечку личной информации

Prevent hackers from stealing your data while you use public WIFI and block annoying advertisers from stalking you online.

Выйдите за пределы базовой защиты VPN

Для полной защиты частной жизни, используйте наше приложение для настольного компьютера и браузер combo (они оба бесплатны).