Linux (RPM) Changelog

Stuff changes, see exactly what

v2.7.10 (Alpha)

Released: 2023/09/11
SHA-256: 0928fb8549715c7b20a1b64405bad82d65b89ff9345efeccf385705b7ae729e8

- Added anti-censorship feature: use domain fronting via CDN for API requests.
- Added new in-house Stealth/Wstunnel application.
- Fixed app may open locations screen to a random tab.
- Fixed "All protocols failed" prompt doesn't show.

v2.7.9 (Alpha)

Released: 2023/08/10
SHA-256: ed10f76d9f8ce0d6fdbb22262debce72451a9ce0871f1b1187c4312b7a63e726

- Added anti-censorship feature: OpenVPN TCP split-reset, UDP stuffing, Stunnel extra padding.
- Added anti-censorship feature: use extra TLS padding for fallback API requests.
- Added anti-censorship feature: WireGuard UDP stuffing.
- Added anti-censorship toggle in preferences.
- Added Czech language translation.
- Added an icon on the main screen to indicate anti-censorship mode is enabled.
- Fixed Logout/Quit screen UI bugs.
- Fixed Manage ROBERT rules link click does nothing.
- Fixed Russian translation.
- Fixed spinner animation on the ROBERT page continues after the website has already been opened.
- Fixed Linux firewall may not block some traffic if sharing internet connection.
- Removed timestamp from news feed items.
- Removed 'kill app' functionality from the uninstall script.

v2.7.6 (Alpha)

Released: 2023/06/20
SHA-256: 4d4a49629f020b6c7e95b59c0a3e167d92954fc00de2820f27f685acc00f831b

- Fixed UI overlap and alignment issues.
- Fixed loading spinner in Manage Account preference slows down.
- Fixed access to server IP to be only allowed for Windscribe & system apps.
- Fixed incorrect error message in the DNS domain screen when a domain name is not valid.
- Fixed WireGuard may not recover correctly in manual mode.
- Fixed OpenVPN UDP and TCP may not work with certain commented out Advanced Parameters.
- Fixed executable signature checking mechanism disabled in the helper and CLI.
- Fixed incorrect app categorization.
- Fixed the dns-leak-protect script to only process IPv4 DNS.
- Fixed RPM package upgrade failures.
- Removed incorrect primary IP check when enabling the Allow LAN Traffic preference.
- Removed full directory paths from log to obscure user's PII.

v2.7.5 (Alpha) (Deprecated)

Released: 2023/06/01
SHA-256: 4f80f88f1fcb55e969213684e3a42164c5d563371230e3ac913845bd6da6bcb9

- Added a small loading spinner to some operations which may take a long time.
- Added custom connected DNS placeholder text.
- Added global DNS in the update-systemd-resolved script for a loopback DNS IP.
- Added feature to remember last locations tab on exit and default to that tab on startup.
- Fixed missing ?int=ws in the URI when making queries if user supplies DoH resolver that's on *
- Fixed validation of the domains entered by the user.
- Fixed transition to the initialization window to hide the general message window shadow.
- Fixed some user interface transitions involving the "SSL error" alert.
- Fixed missing port number for the CURLOPT_RESOLVE parameter.
- Fixed redundant updateFirewallSettings calls being made during pings.
- Fixed split tunnel hostname and IP validation errors are unclear.
- Fixed route call failure if route binary not in $PATH.
- Fixed Arch install script to kill the app if it is running.
- Fixed RPM install script to ensure helper is running after upgrade.
- Updated ctrld binary to v1.2.0.

v2.7.4 (Alpha)

Released: 2023/05/23
SHA-256: 878aa639ac98462910f4f75734786db81f487250c3973dd7d7d450041e1d6fc2

- Fixed uninstall script to terminate app during uninstall or manual update to new version.
- Fixed app to explicitly block only OS default DNS servers and allow all others.
- Fixed in-app upgrade on Ubuntu will fail if upgrade requires additional Linux packages to be installed.
- Fixed uninstall to remove all files created by the app.
- Fixed missing dependency requirements in install package for some desktop environments (e.g. XFCE).
- Fixed window shadow incorrectly sized on logout/exit screens.
- Fixed login screen height may be truncated.
- Fixed alert screen may overlap other screens (e.g. news feed, protocol change).
- Fixed notifications are missing after marking all as read, leaving the notifications screen, and returning to it.
- Fixed changing languages in app causes the news feed screen to become smaller.
- Fixed view/send log functionality to truncate the log if it is too large to view/send.
- Fixed firewall settings updated repeatedly when pinging locations.
- Updated wstunnel to v4.1 for x86_64 and arm64.

v2.7.3 (Alpha)

Released: 2023/05/01

- Added machine-generated translations for Arabic, French, German, Hindi, Russian, Simplified Chinese, and Spanish.
- Added new logout and quit screens.
- Added support for DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) and split DNS to the 'Connected DNS' feature.
- Added custom alert screens, replacing the native OS message boxes.
- Added icon on connect screen indicating if connection is auto, manual, or network preferred protocol.
- Added support for native aarch64 (arm64) Ubuntu build.
- Added the minimum requirements to Linux packaging specs.
- Fixed busy spinner displayed when exiting is not centered.
- Fixed ROBERT screen loading icon not antialiased.
- Fixed protocol badge not immediately updated on network changes.
- Fixed emergency connect feature not working.
- Fixed app crash during startup.
- Fixed python scripts to conform to the pep8 style guide.
- Fixed 'out of data' screen isn't vertically centered.
- Fixed preference items are sometimes expanded when they shouldn't be.
- Fixed incorrect minimum glib requirements for install on Debian and Arch.
- Fixed custom configs not pinged on Linux.
- Updated app to use server-supplied ping (latency) values.
- Updated app warnings and error messages.
- Updated build system to use cmake for all projects.
- Updated to OpenVPN 2.6.1.
- Removed unnecessary code from when the UI and engine were separate executables.
- Removed use of OpenSSL 1.1.1.


Released: 2023/03/27

- Fixed free accounts not pinging pro locations.
- Fixed upgrade widget not hidden when returning to login screen.
- Fixed 'out of data' screen isn't vertically centered.
- Fixed MAC address spoofing toggle state isn't saved.
- Fixed iptables not flushed after disconnect on distros using iptables-legacy (Ubuntu 20.04/Fedora 29).

v2.6.12 (Alpha)

Released: 2023/03/13

- Added use of Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) as a fail-over mechanism to circumvent SNI filtering.
- Added all secrets to the domain generation algorithm library and removed them from the app code.
- Added OpenSSL 1.1.1t due to an OpenSSL security advisory.
- Added hover highlighting to the protocol change screen.
- Added a descriptive error message on the login screen when the user is disabled or rate-limited.
- Fixed crash may occur when switching protocol window modes.
- Fixed disconnecting a WireGuard connection while it is connecting may disconnect, then start connecting again once the WireGuard dynamic configuration has been acquired.
- Fixed a successful failover did not trigger the 'save preferred protocol' screen.
- Fixed server API request would never be processed by curl due to bug in curl libs 7.83/7.85.
- Fixed new notifications appear at the bottom of the News Feed screen.
- Fixed notification age label to display "Today" instead of "0 days ago" for new notifications.
- Fixed server API request pipeline to ensure requests are processed as quickly as possible.
- Fixed confirm email feature doesn't work.
- Fixed high CPU usage while idle.
- Fixed firewall to allow apps to reach the local interface address.
- Fixed firewall to always allow localhost ( and ::1).
- Fixed out of place cancel button and overlapping entries in the change protocol screen.
- Fixed change protocol screen should not be available when using a custom config.
- Fixed WireGuard doesn't reconnect upon waking from sleep.
- Fixed manual-mode connections should not timeout.
- Fixed login screen overlay bugs.
- Fixed default notification message color, displayed when there are no notifications.
- Fixed protocols window expansion bug.
- Fixed potential app crash when exiting due to an OS restart.
- Fixed data counter appears in custom config mode.
- Fixed location latency checks (pings) displaying "-2" for many locations when connected.
- Fixed ON/OFF icon not centered on some display scale factors.
- Fixed "We've detected that your network settings may interfere with Windscribe" dialog displays multiple times.
- Fixed alignment of some icon and text widgets on the main app screen.
- Fixed 'App Internal DNS' preference description to indicate 'OS Default' may cause DNS leaks.
- Fixed location latency checks (pings) to only be performed when the app is disconnected.
- Fixed manual install does not detect an incompatible OS version.
- Fixed in-app check for update to not indicate an update is available if the OS kernel version is incompatible.
- Fixed in-app upgrade to use apt/dnf rather than dpkg/rpm.
- Fixed rpm package creation to use rpmbuild rather than convert the Debian package with fpm.
- Fixed domain generation algorithm library signature check.
- Fixed app does not relaunch after in-app upgrade.
- Fixed login hang on Xubuntu when app firewall is enabled.
- Fixed helper not enabled on Arch after install/reboot.
- Fixed firewall rules: multicast and localhost rules were uni-directional instead of both ways.
- Fixed firewall rules: added missing Linux IPv6 localhost rule.
- Updated 'App Internal DNS' preference to default to Cloudflare.

v2.6.6 (Alpha)

Released: 2023/01/17

- Added user interface improvements to indicate the app is failing over to another protocol.
- Fixed potential app crash when verifying an IP's validity.
- Fixed connectivity check fails when changing networks on Wstunnel / Stealth protocols.

v2.6.5 (Alpha)

- Fixed app will use Preferred Protocol for a network even if it's disabled.
- Fixed HTTP/SOCKS Proxy Gateway setting to warn user the Allow LAN Traffic option must be enabled.
- Fixed privilege escalation vulnerability in usage of OpenVPN up/down directives.
- Fixed notice on the login screen when user is disabled or rate-limited.
- Fixed app to save a successful failover between program launches.
- Fixed error message when user tries logging in with their email address.
- Fixed app crash during exit on Ubuntu.
- Fixed firewall blocking the app from connecting if set to toggle on before connecting.
- Fixed firewall doesn't toggle off in automatic mode when disconnecting.
- Fixed firewall not enabled when firewall switch toggled on.
- Fixed privilege escalation vulnerabilities in communication mechanism between the app and helper.
- Fixed install folder to be /opt/windscribe.


- Fixed potential app crash when the app is failing over to another protocol.


- Fixed potential app crash when reading saved WireGuard config data created by the v2.4 app.


- Fixed split tunneling driver not being installed when upgrading from 2.4 or older.

v2.5.12 (Beta)

- Fixed failover not triggering on TLS/SSL connection error.
- Fixed locations menu appearing randomly.
- Fixed build-a-plan users cannot use their static IPs.

v2.5.11 (Beta)

- Added alternative earless main UI (Van Gogh mode).
- Added Preferred Protocol support to Network Options.
- Added ROBERT controls to Preferences.
- Added installer command-line parameter to prevent automatic app launch.
- Added login and logout functionality to the CLI app.
- Added 'factory reset' option to installer.
- Added sticky server list support to keep the altered server list in restricted regions.
- Added Auto Connect toggle to Connection Preferences.
- Added trigger to connect/disconnect when Network Whitelist/Auto Connect preferences are changed.
- Added loading indicator to ROBERT screen in Preferences.
- Added divider line above login/logout button in Preferences.
- Updated Preferences UI.
- Updated notifications screen.
- Updated to Qt 6.3.
- Updated locations tray for better performance / cleaner code.
- Updated automatic connection mode to use WireGuard protocol by default.
- Fixed various routing/firewall issues.
- Fixed escape and enter keys not working in settings edit boxes.
- Fixed display scaling issues.
- Fixed incorrect app position during launch on multi-monitor setups.
- Fixed app giving incorrect latencies and best location.
- Fixed unnecessary spam in the debug log.
- Fixed mouse wheel issues in the notifications and preferences windows.
- Fixed app does not resize correctly when dragging app between different DPI displays.
- Fixed favorite locations lost after app update from some versions.
- Fixed news feed messages are the wrong width at some display scales.
- Fixed failure of connection to a location via CLI.
- Fixed port forwarding when using the WireGuard protocol.
- Fixed scrolling in news feed and preferences.
- Fixed detection for hanging OpenVPN/WireGuard processes when app starts.
- Fixed incorrect tooltip on login/logout button in Preferences.
- Fixed a number of user interface bugs when updating the app to a new version.
- Fixed notification read state not remembered if the user restarts/logs out of their PC before exiting the application.
- Fixed RFC1918 traffic is routed over VPN tunnel.
- Fixed secure hotspot feature is available when network adapter doesn't support it.
- Fixed CLI app to return 0 on success, 1 on failure.
- Fixed disconnected notification showing incorrect bandwidth usage.
- Fixed preferences screen does not retain user selected height upon app re-launch.
- Fixed preferred protocol doesn't reconnect when Wi-Fi hopping.
- Fixed Manual Packet Size (MTU) and network proxy settings do not retain their values upon app re-launch.
- Fixed app does not remember last used location if system crashes or app is forcefully terminated.
- Fixed incorrect data remaining value in Accounts page for build-a-plan accounts with unlimited data.
- Fixed secure hotspot feature is available when network adapter doesn't support it.
- Fixed bottom information bar hidden when something connects to proxy/hotspot.
- Fixed signing into an expired account causes app to hang.
- Fixed the working connection setting isn't saved.
- Fixed TLS/SSL interception causes logout and crash.
- Fixed custom configs do not have DNS connectivity if internal DNS (RFC1918) is used.
- Fixed Proxy Gateway IP display goes blank when the proxy is connected to.
- Fixed a crash caused by a bug in the failover logic.
- Fixed connect/disconnect notifications do not display on Debian 11.

v2.5.10 (Alpha)

- Fixed TLS/SSL interception causes logout and crash.
- Fixed custom configs do not have DNS connectivity if internal DNS (RFC1918) is used.
- Fixed Proxy Gateway IP display goes blank when the proxy is connected to.
- Fixed a crash caused by a bug in the failover logic.

v2.5.9 (Alpha)

- Fixed bottom information bar hidden when something connects to proxy/hotspot.
- Fixed signing into an expired account causes app to hang.
- Fixed the working connection setting isn't saved.
- Fixed settings synced immediately.
- Fixed wrong OpenGL/libkrb5 linking.
- Fixed WStunnel protocol entry shows up twice.

v2.5.8 (Alpha)

- Updated automatic connection mode to use WireGuard protocol by default.
- Fixed CLI app to return 0 on success, 1 on failure.
- Fixed disconnected notification showing incorrect bandwidth usage.
- Fixed some minor UI bugs.
- Fixed preferences screen does not retain user selected height upon app re-launch.
- Fixed preferred protocol doesn't reconnect when Wi-Fi hopping.
- Fixed RFC1918 traffic is routed over VPN tunnel.
- Fixed Manual Packet Size (MTU) and network proxy settings do not retain their values upon app re-launch.
- Fixed app does not remember last used location if system crashes or app is forcefully terminated.
- Fixed incorrect data remaining value in Accounts page for build-a-plan accounts with unlimited data.
- Fixed connect/disconnect notifications do not display on Debian 11.

v2.5.7 (Alpha)

- Added loading indicator to R.O.B.E.R.T. screen in Preferences.
- Added divider line above login/logout button in Preferences.
- Fixed incorrect tooltip on login/logout button in Preferences.
- Fixed a number of user interface bugs when updating the app to a new version.
- Fixed notification read state not remembered if the user restarts/logs out of their PC before exiting the application.
- Fixed RFC1918 traffic is routed over VPN tunnel.

v2.5.6 (Alpha)

This is a major update!

- Added alternative earless main UI (Van Gogh mode).
- Added Preferred Protocol support to Network Options.
- Added ROBERT controls to Preferences
- Added login and logout functionality to the CLI app.
- Added log for any code assert statements that are triggered in a release build.
- Added link to Version info entry in preferences to display this change log.
- Added 'factory reset' option to installer.
- Added sticky server list support to keep the altered server list in restricted regions.
- Added TUN/TAP automatic driver reinstallation if removed.
- Added advanced parameter ws-tunnel-test-no-error and allow ws-tunnel-test-attempts to be 0.
- Added trigger to connect/disconnect when Network Whitelist/Auto Connect preferences are changed.
- Added auto-connect toggle to Connection Preferences.
- Added minimize/close-to-tray in Linux.
- Added support for wireguard kernel module on Linux if it's available.
- Added support Wayland compositor on Linux.
- Added support for Arch Linux via zst installer package.
- Updated Preferences UI.
- Updated notifications screen.
- Updated to Qt 6.
- Updated locations tray for better performance / cleaner code.
- Fixed WireGuard service rejects custom config file with no PSK.
- Fixed various routing/firewall issues
- Fixed some tunnel test parameter bugs
- Fixed escape and enter keys not working in settings edit boxes.
- Fixed display scaling issues.
- Fixed incorrect app position during launch on multi-monitor setups.
- Fixed app giving incorrect latencies and best location.
- Fixed unnecessary spam in the debug log.
- Fixed hostname-level exclusive split tunneling.
- Fixed WireGuard connection stalls if Internet access is interrupted for more than 3 minutes.
- Fixed incorrect DPI detection
- Fixed app does not resize correctly when dragging app between different DPI displays.
- Fixed start minimized preference.
- Fixed favorite locations lost after app update from some versions.
- Fixed news feed messages are the wrong width at some display scales.
- Fixed failure of connection to a location via CLI.
- Fixed port forwarding when using the WireGuard protocol.
- Fixed scrolling in news feed and preferences.
- Fixed detection for hanging OpenVPN/Wireguard processes when app starts.
- Fixed installation failure if TAP adapter install fails.
- Fixed DLL search path for the installer to only look in the system path.
- Fixed WireGuard tunnel shutdown if client app terminates unexpectedly (crashes).
- Fixed incorrect Linux DNS manager detection on Fedora 36.
- Fixed no connectivity after waking from suspend with WireGuard and OpenVPN on Fedora 36.
- Removed use of the old method in the ServerLocations API.
- Removed terminate sockets network preference from the Linux app.
- Removed 'check for update failed' notification dialog on unsupported Linux distros (e.g. Arch Linux)

v2.4.8 (Beta)

- Same as last Alpha release

v2.4.7 (Alpha)

- Updated update-systemd-resolved script
- Log server errors when checking for available updates
- Fixed update flow for users without gnome-terminal

v2.4.6 (Alpha)

- Fixed app crash on Emergency Connect.
- Increased service start wait time to 20 seconds.
- Refactored wireguard connection to avoid blocking engine thread
- Fetch session when app receives focus
- Fixed firewall silently enabling by itself in rare cases
- Use resolvectl instead of systemd-resolve in some cases
- Fixed slow reconnect via WireGuard on Ubuntu in some cases

v2.4.5 (Alpha)

- Improved DNS manager automatic selection algorithm
- Fixed crash on bad server locations list
- Dynamic Wireguard Interface Allocation Support
- Privilege escalation vulnerability fixed
- Fixed cut off long favorites location names in the tray menu
- Fixed static IPs display issue in tray menu
- Standardized API interaction timers
- Fixed automatic firewall deactivation when account status changes to disabled
- Fixed protocol selection not immediately saved to disk
- Updated app icons in menu bar

v2.3.15 (Beta)

- Initial GUI app beta release
- Everything is new
- Known issue: Does not support NetworkManager for DNS manipulation
- Known issue: Does not support ufw


Final release of the CLI app - this version is EOL.

New Features:
- Custom configs support
- Support for systemd-resolved

Bug Fixes:
- Disables IPv6 to prevent WebRTC leak
- Debug log updates
- Refetch credentials on AUTH_FAILED fix
- Attempt to reconnect forever if internet is down
- Disable UDP protocol when a proxy is configured
- Stunnel log path fix
- Custom Plan info in `windscribe account` output

v1.3.19 (Deprecated)

No changelog

v1.2.1 (Deprecated)

No changelog

v1.1.1 (Deprecated)

No changelog

Open Source Software Attributions